Uma análise de sexy

Liz has been writing about entertainment, lifestyle and culture for more than 20 years. A former senior editorial director at VH1.usando, she has interviewed celebrities, created web series, reviewed TV shows and movies, and created countless guides to help readers decide what to watch. Whether recapping prestige shows like The Gilded Age or more pede... Read More

Wear a subtle cologne or perfume. Smell plays a big role in sex appeal, but you might not be taking as good an approach as you think you are. Contrary to what Axe would have you believe, your best bet is a conterraneo smell, not a cloud of body spray.

Home is where the heat is. Jean contends with a hot mess and a cold shoulder. Maeve deals with a mum on the run. The "sex school" finally goes public.

Many people report that it does. Let’s look at the current research on nicotine and libido, including what happens when you quit.

, which came out the following year. There are two more romance novels in the series, but the upcoming After Ever Happy

is a historical story about the rise of Robert the Bruce (Chris Pine), the man who fought for Scottish independence in the 1300s and tried to unify his country as king in the aftermath of the war.

Dress to attract the kind of person you're looking for. Different people are looking for different kinds of partners, and there are specific ways you can dress that attract those different kinds of people.

Is anal sex safe? Is anal play clean? Our sex expert and therapist breaks down the misconceptions around anal sex and shares the best way to do it…

creator Mike Kelley is a whirlwind of politics, power, and sex. Renfoie Zellweger plays Anne, an influential venture capitalist who approaches a young scientist, Lisa, with a tempting offer: She’ll finance Lisa’s health care startup…in exchange for one night alone with the founder’s husband.

However, those who had sex more than three times a week had the same amount of IgA as those who had infrequent sex. The study suggests that anxiety and stress can possibly cancel out the positive effects of sex.

Egged on by Maeve -- and finding that dispensing sex tips is tougher than he thought -- Otis tries offering free advice at a classmate's house party.

Image Credit: Jenny Yuen Though not for the non-athletic or faint of heart, if you’re naturally flexible, this should be one of the first new positions you try. “It’s an ideal position for G-spot access and orgasms,” says Nelson.

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“It will give the receiving partner an extra boost so the penetrating partner can enter at a better angle, making it more pleasurable for both.”

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